Mannheim->Ludwigshafen->Mannheim->Heidelburg->Mannheim->shopping?->? – 20110116~0117 

在曼海姆安顿下来后,突然发觉是礼拜天,整座城市的之所以如此宁静的理由被揭穿了,商店统统关停,连找个吃饭的地方都困难(最后只好找了家土耳其穆斯林餐厅吃了很大分的午餐,确实,大家也真是饿到死),我恨啊,话说德国人的购物欲望从周日的window shopping可见一斑,怪不得老外在国内那是买得相当欢乐(价格也很欢乐,贵啊。。。)

Water tower just in the morning1 road within chessboard streets1 road within chessboard streets1 road within chessboard streetsTurkey foodTurkey foodTurkey food huge volumeMaritim hotel which is fomous?Should be railway station?1 road within chessboard streetsDSC_7202Wines in the shopAround the water towerTheatre beside the water towerWater tower at noonAround the water towerWay to LudwigshafenWay to Ludwigshafen


BASF headquarterBASF bicycleBASF visitor centerBASF parking lot介就是化工厂旁边的住宅房咩?BASF headquarter again此狗遭到同行女同学的严重表扬


Way to Heidelburg in MannheimWay to Heidelburg in MannheimHeidelburgbelow Heidelburgbehind HeidelburgAbove the RhineBroken in WWIIThe moonThe town at the Rhine bankThe town at the Rhine bankDog again.Good view around Rhine.Town centerStreet in the townHeidelburg again.Street in Heidelburg city.The church.Moon again.DSC_7724DSC_7725SAP headquarter


engelhorn - a nice shopping centerDSC_7775Watch and accessariesDSC_7780DSC_7781DSC_7782DSC_7784DSC_7785DSC_7778DSC_7793Luggage and newly purchased...Luggage and newly purchased...DSC_7794DSC_7801

